Toronto's Cooling Housing Market: Implications For The Home Improvement & Renovation Industr
According to The Globe And Mail, a series of recent measures announced by the Ontario provincial government have resulted in average home...

Popcorn Ceilings: What You Should Know
You might not be aware of this, but stucco (or popcorn) ceilings are a big time and money saver for home-builders. Why is this? Well, for on

Warning: Cheap Hardwood May Be Low Quality
Ben Franklin wasn't wrong when he suggested that the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgott

Memo: Make Sure Your Undermount Sink Is Securely Attached To Your Granite Countertop
An all too common sight in some remodeled kitchens is that undermount sink that seems to be sagging and detaching from the granite counterto

Durham Region: Modernizing & Refinishing Your Staircase in 2017
Your main staircase is likely the focal point when you step into your front door. In many homes, the staircase is at the very center of the